Our Services

Complete Dentures

A complete denture, also known as a full denture, is a removable prosthetic used when all teeth in an arch are missing and need to be replaced. A denture mainly consists of artificial teeth and a gum-colored denture base. A full denture fits to your gums and relies on the soft tissues to support it. Dentures help to restore and improve an individuals overall appearance by providing facial support. Dentures also improve speech as well as function for chewing.

Partial Dentures

A partial denture is a removable prosthetic that is used when there is missing teeth and natural teeth present. The natural teeth are used in the design process to help secure the partial by using special clasps that hook around the tooth which creates additional stability. Partial dentures are used to restore function for chewing. Also, when there are missing teeth present, the adjacent teeth can migrate or shift, leaving them in an unfavorable position. The partial denture can help to prevent the teeth from moving. There are several different types of partials that can be fabricated. Please contact us to discuss treatment options that best suit your needs.

Surgical Dentures

A surgical denture, also known as an immediate denture, is a removable prosthetic that is made prior to any teeth being extracted. We will coordinate with your dentist so that the denture can be inserted immediately after the extractions are done. With this, there will be some after care. As the soft tissues heal, there will be a decrease in the volume of bone. To combat this, temporary liners will be placed in the denture to promote healing and for additional comfort. The denture will also need to be relined after the healing period is complete.

Implant Supported Dentures

Dental implants can be used to give a denture added security and stability. The implants are small, threaded posts that surgeons place into the jaw bone. After the implants are fully healed, the denture is made or modified to attach to the implants. The denture is still removable for daily cleaning and maintenance.

There is also a non-removable option. The denture can be screwed into place on the implants and is considered a permanently fixed prosthetic. This can look and feel more like your natural teeth with less bulk in comparison to a standard denture. A fixed denture will have better biting pressure and overall less soreness in the soft tissues.

Relines and Repairs

A reline is required when a denture becomes loose. Over time, the jaw bone resorbs which causes the denture to lose the original fit. An ill-fitting denture can cause sore spots, difficulty chewing, and damage to the remaining bone. We can assess your current denture to see if a reline is necessary. To have optimal oral health, it is very important to wear a denture that is fitting properly.

When there is a crack or a break in the denture base, or a chipped tooth, it can be fixed. Most repairs can be done within an hour or two. A more complex repair may take longer, but we will strive for same day repairs. This is so you can get your teeth back as quickly as possible. For partials, if a natural tooth is lost, we may be able to add a denture tooth to replace it. Contact us to see how we can help.

Mouth Guards

Mouth guards are used to protect natural teeth from damage. A sports guard is a device that is custom fit to protect your teeth from injury caused by an impact sport. A night guard is an appliance that is custom fit to protect your teeth from excessive wear, typically caused by habitual clenching and/or grinding.